Somerset Wildlife Trust

SWT promotes a ‘Living Landscape’ approach to conservation management, advising farmers and other landowners. SWT’s data, contacts, knowledge and expertise mean that we are ideally placed to work on climate change adaptation pathways with partners. We have led the creation of an opportunities document and biodiversity vision of the Somerset Levels and Moors and engaged other conservation bodies in the process. We participated in the creation of a more general vision for the Levels and Moors with a variety of organisations. We have good contacts with farming organisations, statutory agencies and local authorities and a place on the local Internal Drainage Board. We have worked with landowners in the Brue floodplain and we understand the issues faced relating to water management

SWT is keen to ensure that decisions and investments concerning Somerset’s vulnerable Levels and Moors consider the impacts of climate change in a strategic way, making the best use of public funds and considering the needs of the local environment and wildlife. This project will enable our community to learn what needs to be done to adapt to the inevitable flooding and drought due to climate change. It will ensure we are prepared, we work with nature, we use precious resources wisely and the environment can recover alongside farming, homes and business in a truly sustainable way. Somerset communities, including landowners will be part of an informed debate that understands the need to work with nature to find new solutions to flooding in light of the increasing impacts of climate chang

34 Wellington Road

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Steve Mewes

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