Flemish Land Agency – VLM
VLM focusses on an area-based approach for improving the quality of the environment. VLM is used to work in a co-creation process: to inspire all involved stakeholders, to identify the challenges, to develop in co-creating a project plan, to gather the right experience, to find new ways to start and to develop pilot plans and to realize investments on the ground. VLM’s experience is to work multi-level governance with all stakeholders on the same agenda towards nature-based solutions. The experiences VLM has with WaterLandSchap projects that work by limiting the risk of flooding and drought by working on the spatial quality of the landscape. We aim to create measures that will have to go further than punctual interventions, to improve the system’s resilience against climate change.
The process of co-creation will deliver more support for the climate adaptation investments. Working together with all local stakeholders, in co-designing the draft plans for the investments. In a co-designing environment more innovative concepts and ideas will be developed with more ownership for the design on the long term.To help ensure that the investments meets more the local needs to solve flooding and/or drought.

VLM Regio West
Velodroomstraat 28
8000 Bruges