Municipality of Vlissingen
Vlissingen is a Municipality with powers for spatial planning. We have extensive and specific expertise with interactive ways to involve citizens in planning on urban issues.
Vlissingen provides special expertise to the national spatial adaptation program. Within and outside the region, Vlissingen is a precursor in the field of sustainable design of urban areas with water-related challenges. For this reason, Vlissingen has cooperation and contacts with various renowned (international) institutions.
Vlissingen is part of the regional alliance that is working with various partners in the water chain for an area-transcending approach to water-related challenges. This regional cooperation (SAZ +) gives us access to a broader network in the Netherlands for the other partners.
We must respond to climate change, in our way of thinking, financing and the measures we take. The municipality is doing this by regional cooperation. Current knowledge is primarily focused on technical solutions. The use of NBS is therefore little attention to policy makers and decision makers.
The Dutch national environmental law will be introduced in 2021. This law is based on a facilitating role of the government. Therefore we want to acquire knowledge and exchange experience on how measures can be developed in co-creation.
The Co Adapt partnership offers the opportunity to exchange knowledge about NBS applications and methods to shape this in co-creation

Paul Krugerstraat 1