List of downloads:

Conference presentations:


  1. Ermy Brok, Judith Floor, Frank van Lamoen en Angelique Lansu
    How scale matters in joint knowledge production for nature-based solutions. Dynamic proximity among stakeholders in climate adaptive water management for brook catchment Aa, the Netherlands
    Session HS1.2.1 – ‘Role of hydrology in policy, society and interdisciplinary collaborations: across disciplines and beyond scientists‘. (Download abstract; Download Poster Presentation)
  2. Borjana Bogatinoska, Angelique Lansu, Judith Floor, Dave Huitema en Stefan Dekker
    Tooling in engaging stakeholders in adaptive water management with Nature-based solutions: reflections from an online NGT approach through the perspectives of the water professionals
    Session ITS2.14/HS12.2 – ‘Nature-Based Solutions for Global Environmental Challenges and SDG nexus research‘ (Download abstract; Download Poster Presentation).


  1. Borjana Bogatinoska, Angelique Lansu, Judith Floor, Dave Huitema en Stefan Dekkerv
    Co-creation processes of nature-based solutions in Hydrological Modelling – case studies in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands
    Session HS1.2.1 – ‘Pathways & society transdisciplinary approaches towards solving the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH)‘. (Download abstract; Download Presentation)
  2. Erik Roest, Angelique Lansu, Ton Baltissen, and Stefan C. Dekker
    From pasture and cropland to nut orchards: Modelling the Dynamics of Carbon Seguestration by Agroforestry systems in the temperate climate zone
    Session SSS9.7 – ‘Soil organic and inorganic carbon stocks and dynamics in agro-ecosystems: mechanisms, measurements and modelling strategies‘ (Download abstract; Download Presentation).

Antwerp Demonstration:

  1. Flyer Laakbeek community event: 20190910_flyer_Laakbeek_v8
  2. Flyer Laakbeek final design: 20201106_Flyer_Final_Design_OG_Laakbeek_WP4