First kick in the ground for our Antwerp partner!
At the end of January 2022, the province started excavating Laakland, the new flooding area in Beerse, co-designed with the local stakeholders. The drainage of the excavated soil will be an important part of the [...]
New mobile app launch gets Somerset walking and talking about climate change
23rd August 2021 - Today sees the launch of an exciting new mobile app called Somerset Trails. The app, which is FREE to download, has been cleverly designed to explore the impacts of climate change [...]
Pioneering Website Helps Somerset Plan for Climate Change
A new web-based app is giving people the opportunity to explore the impacts of climate change on the Somerset Levels. The app has been created as part of the Adapting the Levels project to help [...]
National Trusts’ ”Beavers to be released in plan to ease flooding and aid biodiversity” in the news
A pair of Eurasian beavers have been released on Exmoor in a National Trust effort to curb flooding and improve biodiversity. The male and female were released in a fenced woodland on Holnicote Estate. Project [...]
A partner Horizon 2020 project called EIFFEL has been approved (in Dutch)
Het grote Europese onderzoeksprogramma Horizon 2020 stelt uit de geldpot voor een koolstofarme, klimaatbestendige toekomst bijna 5 miljoen euro subsidie beschikbaar voor het project EIFFEL. Daarin onderzoekt de Open Universiteit samen met achttien andere Europese [...]
OU-onderzoek met EU-financiering naar klimaatadaptatie door co-creatie
Follow the link to read this news article (in Dutch)!